Revelation 5:14 – Some Bibles stop at worship, the context is to worship the Lamb, so make sure
your Bible doesn’t try to hide that Jesus is worthy.
John 6:43 – Should we just believe?
…or believe in Jesus. Be careful
that your Bible doesn’t make it possible to believe in only yourself. You can’t even keep a promise to yourself (to stop sinning or keep a Bible study).
Only God's promises are sure.
Micah 5:2 – Which is older, an origin from ancient days, or goings
forth from everlasting? I say
everlasting. Think, Jesus has no start,
nor end, & goings forth means He was active before the beginning.
1 Timothy 3:16 – Some Bibles just say that he was manifested. Make sure yours says God
was manifested in the flesh, & don't fall for the secret agenda that God did not come in the flesh...named Jesus Christ
1 John 4:3 – If your Bible doesn’t even confess that Jesus has come in
the flesh, it is Anti-Christ.
Mark 7:16 – The Dark Ages were the result of the Church not allowing
the open, free, & public access to Scripture. See
Mark 11:26 – The hidden agenda is to omit verses that place the Father
in Heaven…so that a Father on Earth can claim to forgive sin….see blasphemy.