First Day Gathering - TRUTH or False - The disciple met on the Sunday because they were celebrating Jesus' Resurrection.
False - Mark 16:14 says, "they believed not them which had seen Him after He was risen." Why did the disciples meet on the first day in John 20:19? Answer: "For fear of the Jews". Why fear the Jews? John 9:18-23; 11:47-48; 12:42-43; Matthew 27:62-66; Acts 8:1; 9:1, 21.
Collection - TRUTH or False - 1 Corinthians 16:2 supports Sunday over Sabbath because the "collection for the saints" is the same as tithes?
False! See 2 Corinthians 9:5 (bounty/ministry for the saints) & note the difference between giving from your "bounty" (excess that you do not need), & tithing from "increase" (your regular paycheck).
Also see 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 2:44-45; 11:29; Rom 15:25-27, but tithes fund the church's bills/supplies while you give your "bounty" to the needy.
False! See 2 Corinthians 9:5 (bounty/ministry for the saints) & note the difference between giving from your "bounty" (excess that you do not need), & tithing from "increase" (your regular paycheck).
Also see 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 2:44-45; 11:29; Rom 15:25-27, but tithes fund the church's bills/supplies while you give your "bounty" to the needy.
Bread - Does breaking bread always mean Communion
Service? Revisit Acts 2:44-47 "meat" & "bread". In Acts 27:33-38, "meat" = "bread" (wheat). Lamentations 1:11; Ezekiel 16:19; Amos 8:11. Anyway, the answer is no.
Communion - What does
Communion symbolize? See 1 Cor. 11:17-26, but you tell me the difference in
eating because you're hungry (v.21), drinking to get drunk...& the answer
(which is Jesus' Death).
Resurrection – Sunday Worship
& Easter are traditionally linked to Jesus' Resurrection, but see 1 Peter 3:21; Col. 2:12; & Romans 6:4-5. How do we Biblically observe the Resurrection? The answer is Baptism.
Remnant - Revelation 12:17 is the rest that
remains after a part no longer exists; the rest that is left after other parts
have been taken away; the part that stays the same/remains in a certain state;
a support on which things can be put...or the rest
Memorial – Exodus 13:9 means a remembering; in
Rest - Revelation 14:13 means remain;
sustain; uphold; persevere; maintain; linger; last; endure
Remain - Hebrews 4:9 is to continue to stay
the same
Remember - Exodus 20:8 is to call to
God’s Rest – In Matthew 11:28 Jesus
promises rest. In Mark 2:28, Jesus is
Lord of the Sabbath. Exodus 20:10, 7th day is Sabbath of…the Lord thy God. See "disobedience",
"unbelief", & "hardened hearts" from Hebrews 3 to
Hebrews 4:11, but Isaiah 66:23 proves that the 7th Day Sabbath is forever.
Just For Jews - Romans 2:29
defines a Jew is not one by physical birth, but Spiritual re-birth, meaning,
God's people are Spiritual Jews. If
that's not enough, by Hebrews 8:10, the whole entire New Covenant is only to
the House of Israel...& the Covenant promises God writing His Law in our hearts.
And if that's not enough, Exodus 20:10 includes thy "stranger"in obeying the 4th Commandment. Isaiah 56:1-6 defines "strangers" as not visitors but Non-Jews who join themselves to God, and keep the Sabbath.
And if that's not enough, Exodus 20:10 includes thy "stranger"in obeying the 4th Commandment. Isaiah 56:1-6 defines "strangers" as not visitors but Non-Jews who join themselves to God, and keep the Sabbath.
or False - Colossians
2:14-17 include the 7th Day Sabbath in context, & was blotted out & nailed
to Jesus' cross.
By 2 Chronicles 35:12,
we know that the 7th Day Sabbath was not blotted out nailed to Jesus'
cross. How? Well, because only sabbaths that commanded
sacrifice & offering were shadows of Jesus' body. So, the answer to our TRUTH or False question
Handwriting - In Deuteronomy 4:13 & 9:10, the
Law of God was written with the finger of God on stone tables. In Deuteronomy 31:9, 24
& 26, the Law of Moses was written in by the hand of Moses in book pages. Meaning, in context, the
handwriting of Moses cannot include the 7th Day Sabbath or any of
the 10 Commandments.
Contrary/Against Us - The Law of Moses "penalized us", was contrary or against us for sinning or breaking the 10 Commandments. All penalties were paid for by Christ, & nailed to His cross. Compare Deuteronomy 31:9, 24, 26 &
Colossians 2:14-17 for the context.
Briefly Comprehended - Ever heard
"Love your neighbor as yourself"?
Romans 13:9 does not say that this phrase replaces the 10
Commandments. Only the last 6 of 10
Commandments are "briefly comprehended" (or summarized) in love for one another.
Notice, Scripture never
says love your neighbor with
all your heart…nor love your neighbor
as God. We must
comprehend the context of what is briefly comprehended, & if that’s not
enough, Revelation 22:14 clearly proves that the 10 Commandments apply forever.
Fulfill - to meet the required expectations or expected requirements (does not mean "to do away"). "Fulfill" appears 84 times in the KJV Bible. Visit these verses (& the dictionary) at - Then the context of the word "fulfill" will be clear in context...& by definition.
Notice, Luke 24:44-46, Jesus points out things that foreshadowed that He would "suffer" & "rise". Meaning, Jesus fulfilled every-thing & every-day connected to offering & sacrifice. But what about the prophecies in our future? A prophecy that hasn't happened yet is not definition.
So, this should help rightly divide truth between what Jesus fulfilled, & what remains relevant enough to prioritize & remember. In Matthew 5:17-18, nothing will pass from the 10 Commandments (in context) until Heaven & Earth pass away. Well, Revelation 20:11 is the moment where Heaven & Earth pass away. Not only does Revelation 21:1 prove it's in the future, but Isaiah 66:23 proves the Sabbath as the worship time in the New Heaven & New Earth.
Fulfill - to meet the required expectations or expected requirements (does not mean "to do away"). "Fulfill" appears 84 times in the KJV Bible. Visit these verses (& the dictionary) at - Then the context of the word "fulfill" will be clear in context...& by definition.
Notice, Luke 24:44-46, Jesus points out things that foreshadowed that He would "suffer" & "rise". Meaning, Jesus fulfilled every-thing & every-day connected to offering & sacrifice. But what about the prophecies in our future? A prophecy that hasn't happened yet is not definition.
So, this should help rightly divide truth between what Jesus fulfilled, & what remains relevant enough to prioritize & remember. In Matthew 5:17-18, nothing will pass from the 10 Commandments (in context) until Heaven & Earth pass away. Well, Revelation 20:11 is the moment where Heaven & Earth pass away. Not only does Revelation 21:1 prove it's in the future, but Isaiah 66:23 proves the Sabbath as the worship time in the New Heaven & New Earth.